Each year an estimated 700,000 people in the United States suffer a stroke. Approximately 543,000 survive with a wide degree of disabilities making stroke the leading cause of adult disability in America and the 5th leading cause of death.
To address this severe deficit in awareness, United Stroke Alliance initiated the first SOS in 2009. Since that time, USA has been building the foundation of a national stroke awareness initiative through events at Major and Minor League Baseball games called Strike Out Stroke™.
Europe averages approximately 650,000 stroke deaths each year
The primary focus of the event is to educate the fans and the listening population of the symptoms of stroke and the need for immediate medical treatment through 911. Today, the acronym that best describes the signs of stroke, BE-FASTER! is distributed to attending fans (magnets, tee shirts etc.)
While each event is unique, most are a collaborative effort with community stroke center hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, EMS organizations, stroke advocates, stroke support groups, large community employers, local media and of course the participating ball club.
To help understand and remember BE-FASTER! we have put a free of cost app on the Google Play Store for Android devices, and on the Apple Store for Apple devices. Search for the app name BE-FASTER! Use all capital letters and include the dash and exclamation point. The app does not collect any information about your device nor for the use of the app.

It is quite clear through events that have already taken place, this message through BE-FASTER! can be a part of every community in America while generating goodwill for all the ball teams and supportive sponsors.
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